We would love for you to be our sponsor
Your donation of any amount would greatly be appreciated and supports local communities and future generations growing closer to God.
Your contribution not only helps the event be possible, but will also help the community and Youth ministry/programs.

sponsorship tiers

Silver tier - $250+
Recognition on the event website with a dedicated sponsor page.
Social media shoutouts leading up to the event.
Opportunity to distribute promotional materials at the event.
Dedicated sponsor parking.

Gold tier - $500+
All benefits of the Silver tier, plus:
Free vehicle entry for up to 10 employees/staff of sponsoring organization.
Verbal acknowledgment during opening and closing ceremonies.
Featured spot in event email newsletters sent to attendees.

- All benefits of the Silver and Gold tier, plus:
- Exclusive sponsorship of a specific area or feature of the event (e.g., advertising booth, sponsoring an award).
- Priority placement of logo on event materials and signage.
- Special mention in event speeches and announcements.
- Personalized thank-you letter recognizing platinum-level sponsorship.